Project 365 - June 29
Friday, June 29, 2007
Project 365 - June 28
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Project 365 - June 27
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Going on behind the scenes...
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
This is coming along nicely. In real life, the yarn's a much deeper, richer colour than it looks here.
I've finished crocheting another ripple blanket - this one's fairly small, just big enough to chuck over my knees when it gets chilly (real winter chilly, not chilly-for-June). Look at all those ends that still need sewing in!
I looked, I resisted, I looked again and couldn't resist any longer. My favourite yarn in my favourite colour; now sadly discontinued by Jaeger. This came from Cucumberpatch, who still have stocks of Extra Fine Merino DK at a very good price.
Project 365 - June 26
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
June 26 - rounded up various chargers so I don't lose them when I move. Mobile phone, PDA, electric toothbrush, two iPod, two camera - it's high time someone invented a universal charger!
Project 365 - June 25
Monday, June 25, 2007
Project 365 - June 24
Sunday, June 24, 2007
June 24 - hey, we really do have lift off - a Vista-laptop posted picture! No, Flossie isn't at all impressed...
Project 365 - June 23
Saturday, June 23, 2007
June 23 - looks like the weather's getting set for Wimbledon
We have lift off!
Friday, June 22, 2007
I've Googled. I've installed new bits and pieces (technical term) and everything now appears to be working! Don't know about blogging pictures though; may try that over the weekend. Hoo-bloody-ray...
Project 365 - June 22
Friday, June 22, 2007
June 22 - it's a beautiful day (between rain showers) and I've almost recovered my sense of perspective humour after yesterday. Have ongoing technology problems, but what the heck...
Project 365 - June 21
Thursday, June 21, 2007
June 21 - nice Sony Vaio laptop; Windows Vista, so far, is pretty bloody irritating. I have a brand new modem, up-to-the-minute Vista-compatible modem drivers installed and no success in getting any of them to cooperate with each other. After four calls to my ISP, one call to Microsoft and two calls to Sony, I'm no further along the road to having a functioning broadband connection on the laptop than I was this lunchtime. Oh, and Sony's helpline shuts at 6pm. Helpful.
I'm posting this from the old computer. I think I need to go pour myself a stiff G&T....
Project 365 - June 20
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Project 365 - June 19
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
June 19 - slightly overgrown fire escape
I probably won't be posting for a couple of days, although I'll be snapping away for Project 365 as usual. I'm not looking forward to experiencing the delights of moving stuff to a new computer as well as getting to grips with Windows Vista. Wish me luck!
Project 365 - June 18
Monday, June 18, 2007
June 18 - another thirties building in Streatham High Road. This one's called Leigham Hall and its two blocks sit at either side of the entrance to Streatham Court, also built in the thirties.
Project 365 - June 17
Sunday, June 17, 2007
June 17 - I'm vacillating between packing these or settling down with some knitting and the audio book of this. Suspect the knitting will win...
What's OTN, Jan?
Sunday, June 17, 2007
I'm still knitting away; I can't concentrate enough to knit anything remotely complicated so these are all very simple...
Kim Hamlin's Rectangle Shawl from Blue Sky Alpacas knitted in Colinette Cadenza DK, colour Copperbeech, on a 4.5mm KnitPicks circular. I'm working the shawl over 81 stitches, not the 101 given in the pattern, and it's a very nice knit.
Yes, yet another Forest Canopy! This one's knitted in Sea Silk, colour Vintage, on a 3mm Addi Turbo Lace circular...complete with occasional whiffs of Duraglit...
Several plain vanilla socks are on the go; this one's Regia Mosaik, colour 5580, from Astrid, the one below is Trekking XXL, colour 109, from Stash Yarns.
There's also a little crochet going on - this is a rectangular wrap using el-cheapo-but-very-nice-sock-yarn in shades of grey. I hope the lacy stitch will stop it looking like a horse blanket...
This has gone Into the frog pond; I couldn't seem to keep the right number of stitches on the needle. Moving stressful? Nah Probably...
Project 365 - June 16
Saturday, June 16, 2007
June 16 - on the 319 bus, escaping from boxes and bubble wrap to knit at Stash Yarns
Project 365 - June 15
Friday, June 15, 2007
June 15 - sound travels an amazing distance where I live. The couple in the centre of today's photo are getting stuck in to a shouting match; I can hear every word (you don't want to know) four floors up on the opposite side of the road...