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July 2008

A short morning walk, plus a little knitting content

I turned right out of the block's front door and walked down Princes Avenue, crossing Princes Square

June 29 museum

(that's Hove Museum at the top of Princes Square - it's not actually a square just a short wide road) then down Princes Crescent and crossed over Kingsway (main coast road) to the seafront.

June 29 beach huts

Walking towards Hove Lagoon - it's still early enough to be fairly quiet along here.

June 29 piers in distance

Looking back in the opposite direction, I can see Brighton's West and Palace Piers in the distance.

June 29 sea

June 29 shingle

It's sunny this morning, but nice and cool because of the breeze blowing off the sea. I went as far as the lagoon, then walked back along Kingsway past the miniature golf course and the bowling greens behind the beach huts. Looks like it's ideal weather for taking to the water...

June 29 kayak 

Turned up the other side of Princes Crescent and walked past lots of colourful gardens before arriving home.

June 29 tamarisk

Tamarisk (above) and broom (below) seem to be favourite garden plants round here - they both do well in salty and windy conditions.

June 29 broom

And on a knitting note, Hypoteneuse is finished. Well, apart from blocking, but that's another story...

Hypoteneuse finished

Hypoteneuse finished 2


Well, the longest day didn't look very promising! Cold, wet, grey and windy....where's the summer?

Saturday sea 21 June 2008  

I've been busy; a little knitting, more dyeing.

Hypoteneuse detail  

Mmmm, Silk Garden...

Hypoteneuse half finished  

This is Hypoteneuse by Anne Hanson knitted in Silk Garden, colour 226. I'm about halfway and the pattern's perfect for non-concentrating knitting - easy, but there's enough going on to stop it being boring!

More dyeing  

Nice and colourful, eh? I'm having fun trying out lots of dyeing techniques - the flat smells of wet wool and vinegar. Flossie's not impressed.

On a Typepad note, I think I've finally sorted out picture and text placing by fiddling with a few settings - fingers crossed...

WWKIP on the beach

One concern was the weather, which had looked like this the day before

Friday the 13th

but it cheered up no end on the day itselfWWKIP weather

 apart from a howling gale cool breeze coming off the sea. It was sooooo cold on the beach, even when the sun shone (typical British seaside weather really) but more than twenty knitters (and Woolly) arrived, bravely snuggled down in sweaters and coats and did plenty of knitting and nattering to celebrate the day.

WWKIP brrr it's windy

WWKIP cold enough for a woolly hatWWKIP sharing a joke

WWKIP Woolly takes a bow

Saturday sea and other things

Saturday sea and Saturday rooftops.

Saturday sea 7 June 2008

Saturday rooftops 7 June 2008

Looks like the weather might be nice today!

A quick aside: I don't like the new Typepad interface - it's definitely not WYSIWYG when you compose a post and the line spacing's all over the place, not to mention the pictures. Grumble, grumble...

I've been dyeing - terribly satisfying for the part of me that loves getting my hands dirty. I haven't dyed properly for years, apart from the odd Kool Aided skein, and I'm enjoying it.

Dyeing 1

Dyeing 2

Dyeing 3


I finally got round to buying some of these


No excuse now

and now have no excuse for this sort of bad behaviour...