An early Christmas present...
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
...for the Faithful Companion. She approves.
Square count now up to 380; I think I'll stop at 400. A nice round number.
This, that and a Christmas elf
Monday, December 08, 2014
David, the Christmas elf, on my stall at Saturday's Christmas Market. Lovely sunny weather and plenty of people wandering round made for a good day.
This is the one tidy corner of my living room; off camera, everywhere else is, er, rather cluttered and needs a good tidy but I've run out of steam with housework. Possibly I've been sidetracked by making these...
Crochet squares for a blanket - they're 7cm square and so far I've made 240 (and sewn the ends in as they were made). The coloured threads secure them in stacks of ten for easy counting and I reckon I'll need to make another 160 or so...