Taking up where I left off
Monday, January 20, 2020
I thought I would take up blogging again where I left off in 2018. It's hard to believe that more than a year has gone past since my last post, in spite of lots of good intentions on my part. I'm a bit of an expert at putting-off-stuff-until-tomorrow.
So, what's been happening here? Nothing of note really - it's been one of those fallow years where I've felt as if I've been marking time rather than forging ahead. I've read a lot of books and listened to countless audiobooks while despairing about the state of this country and the government. And I feel it's only going to get worse after January 31.
In other news, I'm beavering away on several new knitting and crochet designs. There has been much swatching.
The models are now finished but instructions still need bashing into shape before the patterns are tech edited and tested. Why does everything take an age?
I took up blogging again after nearly a year away
Julie xxxxxxxx
Posted by: Julie | Friday, January 31, 2020 at 07:31 AM
It's good to be back!
Posted by: Wibbo | Friday, January 31, 2020 at 08:11 AM
There you are— welcome back!
Posted by: (Not That) Joan | Saturday, February 01, 2020 at 10:51 PM
Thank you Joan!
Posted by: Wibbo | Sunday, February 02, 2020 at 09:02 AM