Now, let's see...

For most of this year I've been busy sorting, clearing, chucking, charity-shopping all kinds of stuff. I probably have still more stuff that I need but it's now down to a more manageable size. I don't collect things any more but do get attached to those I have, particularly to books. 

There has been knitting. And frogging. This blue number is one of my better efforts.



A beaded Summerleaf shawl for a friend's birthday - details on Ravelry.

I'm back to low carb eating and feel better/have more energy than earlier this year. Have a nice crustless quiche - this one is broccoli and smoked mackerel.


The builders have gone, the scaffolding is down and my balcony pots have new plants - a blue daisy (Felicia amelloides), a scented pelargonium (Concolour Lace) and a yellow-flowering plant (below) that had lost its label.


Can anyone identify it?

End-of-the-Week Soup


This should really be called Bottom-of-the-Fridge Soup but that doesn't sound particularly appetising, does it?  Here we have some elderly veg that wouldn't have lasted much longer (fennel, swede, onion, celery) cut small and simmered in 500ml of water with one of those gel bouillion thingys for about 10 minutes. Two cubed chicken breasts chucked in and the whole lot cooked for a further 10 minutes, then garnished with fresh parsley. Enough lunch for two days and very tasty...

Crustless quiche

Not really a recipe as such, but this is how I make one:

Heat oven to 175C, 375F or gas mark 5.

Butter an ovenproof dish (I use a Le Creuset ceramic dish 20cm square).

Beat 6 large eggs in a bowl, add 275ml double cream and beat well. Season with black pepper and a little salt then leave to stand while you prepare the other ingredients. 

Grate 100g cheese. Cheddar is good or a mix of cheddar, mozzarella, red Leicester or whatever's in your fridge.

Chop up a combination of any of the following and fry in a little butter: pancetta, onions, garlic, red/green peppers, mushrooms, courgettes, leeks. You can also use left-overs of cooked food including broccoli, cauliflower, sprouts, broad beans, peas, ham, chicken, salmon.

Spread fried ingredients across base of dish, cover with grated cheese and pour over the egg/cream mixture. Grate a little nutmeg over the top.

Cook for about 30/35 mins until set and golden brown. Timing will vary depending on the size/depth of your dish and your oven; check after 30 mins and cook for longer if necessary.

Remove from oven and leave to stand for 10 minutes before eating.